Friday, November 4, 2016

Catching Bubbles in the Air: Meet Rowena Ludford

Name: Rowena Ludford
Country of origin: England/Wales
bubbles in the air

Professional background: Marketing
Research and marketing - Painter and decorator

 I had wanted to go and "help" in the refugee crisis for a long while and for health reasons was delayed in my mission, I felt a huge humanitarian tug upon my heart strings as I watched the news, plans had to be made, wheels set in motion. I had no reason to sit and watch this happen from afar "be someone who stands up and does what they can" I thought. The mission started in Calais, in the "jungle"and then on to Greece, Driving to Greece as one of my maiden voyages after passing my driving test and having spinal surgery did seem,at times, very very ambitious if not completely crazy. However, I made it albeit with some unforeseen events that made me question the whole plan.

 I found the situation in Greece to be welcoming but completely chaotic. This, I realised was going to be one of the many challenges of my mission, fine if you are relaxing on holiday but I started to get completely frustrated with the "too" relaxed vibes. "We are dealing with a crisis" I thought, "no I will not wait for everyone to have yet another coffee and 30 cigarettes". After 6 weeks of volunteering in refugee squats I was finding it harder and harder to do as much as I felt I wanted to. This is when I met a couple of people involved in the Elea project including the founder.

With promise of a schedule and some level of organisation I decided to offer myself for 2 days per week. This soon became 3,4,5 then 6 days per week. Project Elea had a schedule including games, yoga, cross fit, arts and crafts along with food and clothes distribution and educational time for children.

 I felt very welcome by the staff, volunteers and residents alike and felt at last that I could spend as much of the day "working" as I wanted, feeling productive, given the space and encouragement to add to the schedule or make improvements to the general running of things I felt like I had found the place for me.

There are so many beautiful moments that I shared with many people here, from a simple smile, a hug, a wordless conversation through eyes and gestures, through to seeing and hearing the response to a donation of drums that I made.

Many a day I concealed tears of both sadness and joy however, upon my last day I could no longer keep them inside.

For two reasons I cried on this day, firstly was as I sat watching residents playing football on their newly opened football pitch, children running around with crowns they had made in the arts and crafts session, catching bubbles in the air-  Project Elea is giving something so beautifully extra to the residents of the Eleonas camp that tears dampened my cheeks thinking of those whom do not have this benefit. I was feeling very proud and honoured to have been invited to join in. Secondly, saying goodbye and knowing that I was returning to a country that I no longer feel at ease with being a part of.

I shall return to Project Elea, my only challenge is to figure out when this will be, a few weeks or months.
I could ramble on for hours about my experiences, moments of joy, moments of disappointment but all I will say now is, I find it very hard to believe that anyone could regret working with project Elea; it has been one of the most fulfilling, rewarding and connecting months out of the 4 which I have spent volunteering with refugees.

... No matter what you are doing in the camp, it matters to the residents, sorting clothes may feel like a thankless task inside a (sometimes stuffy) container, when you try to make someone happy with the (sometimes) awful selection of clothes... It can feel frustrating and sometimes stressful, it can seem to not matter how clean, tidy and organised we are as volunteers but try to take as much pride in every single thing you do there because it does matter, everything matters, you may never encounter the situation where it matters but it does, have faith in that!

Remain beautiful, shiny, inspiring people. So much love. 💜💙💚💛❤️🙏🏻

1 comment:

  1. Rowena, this post is so well-written. A true representation of how one feels regarding the devastating macro-scale issues and the breathtaking micro-scale moments.
